Solid qualifying by WestCoast Racing

Richard Göransson and Martin Öhlin qualified 8th and 9th respectively in the last STCC qualifying at Mantorp Park. Both made two very good qualifying runs and were happy with their laps afterwards.
”A job well done, I think,” said Richard Göransson. ”There wasn’t much more to give, maybe a tenth or so but nothing that could have changed our position. We knew it would be hard to challenge the cars in front of us during qualifying, but we have a good car for the race. My goal is still to finish my career in STCC with a victory and there are different possible scenarios.”

Martin Öhlin missed Q2 by a tiny margin, only half a tenth from the important 8th position. He will now start the race from the 9th spot on the grid and is gearing up for the race.
”It was close, but I’m happy with my lap,” said Martin. ”I couldn’t have done much better and it’s a very tight margin, but of course it’s annoying to miss out on Q2 by so little. The good thing is that I will be starting on the inside tomorrow and that we have a good car for the race. We’ll be pushing the others!”

Tomorrow there will be a warm-up at 9.20 am followed by the first race at 1.05 pm.

Results, qualifying Mantorp Park top nine:
1: Rickard Rydell, Chevrolet 1:20.778
2: Johan Kristofersson, Volkswagen + 0,384
3: Fredrik Ekblom, Volkswagen + 0,540
4: Patrik Olsson, Volkswagen + 0,573
5: Michael Nykjaer, Chevrolet + 0,613
6: Robert Dahlgren, Volvo + 0,650
7: Thed Björk, Volkswagen + 0,764
8: Richard Göransson, BMW + 0,896
9: Martin Öhlin, BMW

Richard Göransson nia på Mantorp Park

Det blev ett tråkigt näst sista STCC-race för WestCoast Racing på Mantorp Park. Martin Öhlin blev avkörd i starten och Richard Göransson gick i mål på en niondeplats efter att under racet tappat mark på Mantorps långa raka i fighten om åttondeplatsen med Mattias Andersson. Han var besviken att inte lyckats hålla åttondeplatsen och säkra pole för det sista STCC-racet.
– Det här var det tråkigaste STCC-race jag har kört, suckar Richard. Över varvet var jag väldigt snabb men det hjälper inte något när man tappar fyra till sex billängder på varje raksträcka. Det fanns inget jag kunde göra, vi slåss mot turbobilar och lätta bilar och det blir lätt lite frustrerande. Nu blev det som det blev och det får bli som det blir i det sista STCC-racet.

Martin Öhlins race tog slut redan i den andra kurvan. Han blev påkörd i ingången till andra kurvan av Tomas Engström som kört av och i återinträdet på banan körde rätt in i Martin.
– Jag gjorde en miss i starten vilket jag får ta på mig. Jag tyckte jag såg en röd lampa och slog av och där tappade jag ett par platser. Efter det såg jag att Engström åkte av i första kurvan och sen for han bara rätt in i mig när han körde in på banan igen. Det fanns ingenting att göra, styrstaget gick av och det var bara att parkera.

Richard Göransson startar nia och Martin Öhlin näst sist i det sista STCC-racet vilket startar 15.35.

Resultat, finalrace 1 Mantorp Park:
1: Rickard Rydell, Chevrolet 14 varv
2: Fredrik Ekblom, Volkswagen + 3,147
3: Johan Kristoffersson, Volkswagen + 4,776
4: Patrik Olsson, Volkswagen + 5,776
5: Michel Nykjær, Chevrolet + 6,503
6: Robert Dahlgren, Volvo + 7,089
7: Thed Björk, Volkswagen + 7,470
8: Mattias Andersson, Alfa Romeo + 8,012
9: Richard Göransson, BMW + 9,770
10: Jan Nilsson, BMW + 11,315
11: Viktor Hallrup, Chevrolet  + 11,315
12: Colin Turkington, BMW + 12,831
13: Johan Stureson, BMW + 18,071
14: Tomas Engström, Honda +19,182
15: Alx Danielsson, SEAT+ 19,995
16: Tobias Johansson, SEAT +21,238
17: Daniel Roos, BMW +21,461
18: Joakim Ahlberg, BMW +22,641
19: Andreas Ebbesson, BMW +24,086
20: Robin Appelqvist, SEAT +30,113
21: Claes Hoffsten, Alfa Romeo +1:09,657
22: Roger Eriksson, SEAT + 1 varv

Martin Öhlin

Tommy Rustad

Solitt kval av WestCoast Racing

Richard Göransson och Martin Öhlin kvalade in åtta respektive nia i det sista STCC-kvalet på Mantorp Park. Båda gjorde två bra kvalförsök och var nöjda med sina kvalvarv efteråt.
– Ett bra jobb tycker jag, säger Richard Göransson. Jag kunde inte fått ut så mycket mer, kanske någon tiondel men inget som kunde förändrat placeringen. Vi vet att vi har svårt att utmana de som kvalade framför oss över ett snabbt varv här men vi har en bra bil för racet. Målet är fortfarande att avsluta STCC-karriären med seger och det finns lite olika scenarion.

Martin Öhlin missade med en knapp marginal att gå vidare till Q2, endast en halv tiondel från den viktiga åttondeplatsen. Han startar nu nia imorgon och laddar om för racet.
– Det var nära men jag är nöjd med varvet, säger Martin. Det gick inte att få ut så mycket mer och det är väldigt lite som skiljer men det är irriterande att missa Q2 med så liten marginal. Det som är glädjande är att jag startar på innern imorgon och att vi har en bra racebil. Vi ska stressa de andra!

Imorgon är det warm-up 09:20 och det första heatet startar 13:05.

Resultat, kval Mantorp Park topp nio:
1: Rickard Rydell, Chevrolet 1:20.778
2: Johan Kristofersson, Volkswagen + 0,384
3: Fredrik Ekblom, Volkswagen + 0,540
4: Patrik Olsson, Volkswagen + 0,573
5: Michael Nykjaer, Chevrolet + 0,613
6: Robert Dahlgren, Volvo + 0,650
7: Thed Björk, Volkswagen + 0,764
8: Richard Göransson, BMW + 0,896
9: Martin Öhlin, BMW

The season ends at Mantorp Park

It’s time for the final weekend in STCC held at Mantorp Park and WestCoast Racing goes there looking for victories. Team manager Dick Jönsson Wigroth wants to finish a season that has been tough for the team with injuries and unplanned events by scoring top results in their final STCC-weekend. WestCoast Racing is despite all this joint first in number of race victories this season.
”Despite the fact Richard Göransson got injured at the first race and we were forced to race with just one car for several races we have managed to win three races this year. We want to increase that at Mantorp and finish the season in style. There’s no doubt we have had the speed to yet again challenge for the championship this year but nothing has gone our way and that’s the way it is. Mantorp might not be the best track for us trying to compete with the more powerful cars on the long straight but it’s the final weekend which always has surprises for all of us. Our target is to win races.”

Martin Öhlin has had a tough rookie season in STCC but he has shown the speed is there. He’s been the fastest BMW both in qualifying and races several times. He qualified sixth at Mantorp in May but got pushed off at the start. He is seeking revenge.
”There’s no reason to think about that now, I will go all in for this weekend. I have no reason to go safe so the target is to finish in style. A godo qualifying and two good races is the only thing I have planned.”

A year ago Richard Göransson took his fourth STCC-title in style at Mantorp Park thus becoming historic. This year he’s made more history as he is now the most winning driver in the history of the championship. He is out of contention for the title but he wants to increase his tally of victories.
“It’s quite funny Chevrolet feels they need three cars to win this championship and the Volkswagenteam needs four cars. We did fine last year with just one car when we took the championship. I’m not able to defend my title this year after my injury in the first race this year but I will give it my all to fight about the victories this final weekend. Anyone wanting to win this on Saturday will have to count with me and be prepared to work hard for it.”

Time schedule – Mantorp Park

14.15 – Test
16.20 – Qualifying

09.20 – Warm up
11.55 – Gridshow
13.05 – Race 1
15.35 – Race 2

Weights – Mantorp

1225 kilo – BMW 320si E90 [6 speed SQ-box] 1210 kilo – BMW 320si E90 [5 speed H-box] 1210 kilo – Volkswagen Scirocco
1210 kilo – Volkswagen Scirocco [Kristoffersson, Björk] 1210 kilo – Chevrolet Cruze
1199 kilo – Volvo C30
1150 kilo – Alfa Romeo 156
1140 kilo – Honda Accord
1130 kilo – SEAT León TFSi
1120 kilo – BMW 320i E46

Richard Göransson leaves STCC for TTA in 2012

Quadruple and reigning STCC-champion Richard Göransson have decided to leave STCC and join the new TTA-championship next year. After four STCC-titles, 37 race victories and 61 podiums in 119 starts he now looks forward to new challenges.
”I’m very proud over what I’ve acomplished in STCC and most of all that I’ve won more STCC-titles than anyone else. I aim to finish my STCC-career on a high this weekend,” Richard says.

He will now face new challenges. Before this season he signed a three year deal with BMW-team WestCoast Racing where he will continue as they are one of the teams behind the new championship.
”I believe TTA offers a good platform for drivers with long term ambitions and targets. It’s been possible to be a professional racing driver in Sweden for quite some years now and I now look forward to even better possibilities for that. TTA has an interesting concept with faster cars, better possibilities for teams, drivers and organizers and an exciting set up for the fans and the sponsors. Next year will present a new challenge for me as a driver which I’m looking forward to.”

Teammanager Dick Jönsson Wigroth has worked with Richard Göransson in six years and is happy to see their cooperation continue as the team switches to TTA. Together they have scored three STCC-championships and one ETCC-title and WestCoast Racing is the most succesful STCC-team since the championship started in 1996.
”I am of course thrilled and proud Richard Göransson and WestCoast Racing will continue our succesful cooperation. Richard is a vital part of this team and he further strengthens TTA. WestCoast Racing will participate in TTA next year and it’s a sign of strength we will have Richard with us on this new journey.”

Richard Göransson now aims to finish his STCC-career in style. He is unussaly not involved in the fight for the title this year after he was injured at the start of the season. But he will fight for the victories in the final two STCC-races which sees an expaned field.
”It’s quite funny Chevrolet feels they need three cars to win this championship and the Volkswagenteam needs four cars. We did fine last year with just one car when we took the championship. I’m not able to defend my title this year after my injury in the first race this year but I will give it my all to fight about the victories this final weekend. Anyone wanting to win this on Saturday will have to count with me and be prepared to work hard for it.”

TTA was created in 2010 by four of the most succesful teams in Sweden. Together these teams have won six out of the last seven STCC-titles. TTA is an organization for teams competing at the highest level and for race organizers, where teams and organizers are share holders in the championship.