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Fitness training started for Göransson

Richard Göransson has started his march back to STCC. He now enters the gym aiming to get fit for a comeback in the BMW again. this is his own words about his fight back to

Life really is a roller coaster righyt now. After the accident at Jyllandsringen on Easter I went into a real engery saving mode. All my strength was used to get my body to start heal again and resting was the best medicine. A lot of time was spent watching movies in the couch but now I’ve finally been able to start training again. After x-ray and check-ups at my doctor Ulf Nordström I was sent through to Magnus Johansson at Örebro Rehabcentre who’s helping me.

This Friday I did my first light work-out but I’ve never had so much pain as I had after that small work-out. The training was really light but it felt and the body is weak. The stability in the torso have been noticeably weaker and that is one of the things we must fix. I had a work-out again this Monday and met Magnus to work out a fitness regime.

The fitness training have started and I have a couple of work-outs per week planned to be more and harder. So far I don’t do any exercises involving pressure or movements of the back but it feels so great to finally be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel!

Then of course there was another STCC-race this weekend, this time at Mantorp Park. Two eventful races where it felt like some drivers drove like bank robbers, especially in the first race. The ones leading before the weekend scored nothing and those who chased them had a good weekend so the championship is tighter again with Tommy Rustad the new leader. It will be exciting to follow, I predicted Fredrik Ekblom or Tommy Rustad to win the championship and they are now heading the championship but a lot will happen I’m sure.

Unfortunately my team mate Martin Öhlin dissapeared already at the start in the first corner. But it was fun to see ”Flash” win again though. He took his 34th STCC-victory and now equals my victory record. I can hardly ask for a better motivation than that to return to the track again! We will win races this year so at least Flash can’t say he’s the one who has won the most races …

// Richard Göransson